TSS: Fixed an issue where Space Scheduling is shortening the building name
Asset Export/Import: Fixed an issue where Assets were not exported and imported with the drawing
Moves: Fixed an issue where the new space added in as built floor plan was not showing in move floor plan
Drawing layer update: Fixed an issue with drawing layer update using ETL tools
TSS: Fixed an issue with updating desk numbers in TSS
Delivery date: 11/24/2020
Floor Plan: Fixed an issue where the progress bar was not displaying on clicking ctrl+s.
Space Planning: Fixed an Issue where space planning module was not displaying business unit and head count information.
Custom Search (Manhattan Only): Fixed an issue where Custom Search & Export was not working due to incorrect UDA name character case.
Delivery date: 11/04/2020
Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the Chart was not displaying the correct count.
Drawing Check-In: Added a loading image 'please wait' when we import/check-in a drawing.
Reports: Fixed an issue with running crystal reports.
Reports - Fixed an issue where BU allocation classification report was not working.
Print Drawing - Fixed an issue where print to PDF file was not working.
Delivery date: 10/21/2020
Multi Criteria Highlight: Added functionality to highlight spaces using Actual and Rentable Square Meters.
Space Import: Fixed an issue where Space import with UDA was slow.
Floor plan: Fixed an issue where editing the drawing polyline was slow.
Delivery date: 10/06/2020
Import: Fixed an issue where import having UDA with a special character like # or % was not working.
Multi Criteria Highlight: Fixed an issue where multicriteria highlight for space date UDA was not working.
Email Rules: Fixed an issue about email notifications not being sent for MAC.
Client customizations and Security Remediations
Delivery date: 09/08/2020
Client customizations
Delivery date: 08/25/2020
Search: Fixed an error in the sorting of grids for mixed date and string entries.
Multicriteria Highlight: Fixed an issue where BU drop down in multicriteria was not displaying BU type values.
Space Console: Fixed an issue with Lease Rentable number in space management based on Property record setting in MH
Search Drop-downs: Fixed an issue with selecting drop-down options in search
Dashboard(Centerstone Only): Fixed an issue where the multi-chart layout was not drilling down in the dashboard.
Import/Export - Fixed an issue where email notifications were not sent for any imports & exports
Building Duplicate: Fixed an issue with duplication of multiple building records into a proposed portfolio
Import: Fixed an issue where we were getting only 1 email for offline/background imports.
Drawing Export: Fixed an issue where the rotating label of the floor drawing was not displayed correctly in CAD viewer once checkout/export.
Delivery date: 08/11/2020
MAC: Fixed an issue to improve the MAC performance.
Search: Fixed an issue where assign dialog drop downs didn't popped up when user types text from keyboard
Report: Fixed an issue where running BOMA tabular report was throwing an error.
Report: Fixed an issue where running a site series report was throwing an error.
Exports: Fixed an issue where an export was blocked because a online import was in progress.
Report: Fixed an issue where running a Space Console with BU filter was throwing an error.
Delivery Date: 05/05/2020
MAC - Fixed an issue to add resize/maximize button in MAC dialog box.
Delivery Date: 04/14/2020
Floor Plan - Fixed an issue where the floor plan legend was not properly updated BU ColorBys for Zones.
Linked Drop Downs(except BU drop downs) - Fixed an issue where the typed in characters in dropdown wasn't filtering linked drop downs with related values.
Delivery Date: 03/24/2020
Business Unit drop down - Fixed an issue where Business Unit picker on Space and HR consoles were not respecting Dropdown setting configured in Setup
Business Unit drops down - Fixed a number of issues with Business Unit picker of Space and HR Consoles related to performance, sorting and using type-ahead to perform searches.
Multi Drawing - Fixed an issue where system was freezing when using multi drawing option for selected drawings.
Delivery Date: 03/03/2020
MAC - Fixed an issue where move request and move order description field would not allow more than 200 characters.
Scenario Planning (Centerstone only) - Fixed an issue where the multi selecting scenario was not loading scenario planning.
Space Attribute - Fixed an issue where assigning space type having more than 100 characters in space type description and label text was failing.
Delivery Date: 02/18/2020
Asset Console - Fixed an issue where the user was not able to enter data in the purchase date field of asset console.
Drawing Check in - Fixed an issue where some space numbers were not showing on floor plan.
Drawing Export - Fixed an issue where drawing export would fail.
MAC - Fixed an issue where move request and move order description field would not allow more than 200 characters.
MAC - Fixed an issue where resource type UDAs were not getting saved in my move request form.
Maintenance Program (Centerstone Only) - Fixed an issue where procedure groups were not inheriting procedures when assigned to a maintenance program.
Mobile Work Order - Fixed an issue where icons are not displaying properly in mobile work order app.
Delivery Date: 02/04/2020
Corp Map Floorplan viewer - Fixed an issue where space labels were not displayed correctly.
Data Access Rules - Fixed an issue that was causing Dialog box to freeze when working with groups and data access rules.
Data Imports - Fixed an issue with online imports where large files would fail to upload.
Site Console - Fixed an issue in the Site Console were it would not display the correct message when a change was made to the portfolio.
System Performance - Fixed an issue to improve the overall performance of the system, space walker and MAC.
Delivery Date: 01/14/2020
Manual Imports - Fixed an issue with manual imports where large files would fail to upload.
Move Request - Fixed an issue for Resource type UDA field "Email to Requested for" where the emails were not sent to HR listed and also HR listed can't see the requests submitted by others.
Physical Asset console - Fixed an issue where where you could not save changes to an Asset.
Reports - Fixed an issue in lease console classification report where contact phone number field was missing.
Save Results to File - Fixed an issue with the alignment of data in the file created by the Save Results to File functionality.
Space Console - Fixed an issue where typing into a Business Unit dropdown does not allow the user to make the correct selection.
Krystyna McQueeney
Patch Notes 2019
Patch Notes 2018
Patch Notes 2017
Search: Fixed an error in the sorting of grids for mixed date and string entries.
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