Custom Search - Improve performance for Human Resource searches that include UDA's
Dashboards - Provide accurate results for currently logged-in users
Imports - Fixed issue with Business Unit Imports when the Business Unit Name contains special characters
Reports - Added Building Name filter to BOMA Report classification
Reports - Fixed error running Work Order Console report
Space Versioning - Fixed issue where extra space version records were created when changing Business Units, resulting in poor performance
User Defined Classifications - No longer show duplicate entries in nested UDC's
Delivery Date: 12/8/2017
Data Access Rules - Fixed an issue where users with read-only access to HR's could incorrectly edit HR's
Maintenance Programs - Fixed "file not found" issue while opening a document
Space Scheduling Integration - Allow spaces in Flex Zones to be reservable
Work Orders - Allow users to print up to 100 procedures at a time
Delivery Date: 12/1/2017
Corporate Mapping UI - Fixed floor plan legend display and printing
Corporate Mapping - Use latitude/longitude setting instead of building address when loading map
Floor Plan Viewer - Improve floor plan load performance
Floor Plan Viewer - Zoom to extents when opening floor plan
Imports - Support large import files
MAC - Allow assignment to spaces with zero capacity when policy is enabled
MAC Preview - Show space numbers on the floor plan
Manhattan Tree - Fixed clickthrough for Space Modules such as Corporate Mapping and MAC
Delivery Date: 11/22/2017
Imports - provide user friendly error messages instead of Java errors
Space Custom Search - correctly display Business Unit information for non-shared spaces
UDA entry - corrected an issue when typing into a UDA field
Work Order custom search - improved performance
Delivery Date: 11/17/2017
Corporate Mapping - modified the branding bar in the core version to correctly display customer logos
Light Work Order UI - for the core version, in the location section of the new request form, correctly display the floor number instead of the floor name
MAC Move Orders - fixed a problem when adding a Move Order after adding or deleting UDA's
Reports - HR Space Assignments classification - Show HR Names
Work Order custom search now includes 'Location Name' in filter and result columns
Work Order emails - fixed an issue where Work Order emails were not getting generated
Zone Import - Fixed to allow the "Is Sublet Zone" and "Sublease Rentable" fields to be imported to Zones
Delivery Date: 11/9/2017
Corrected the data displayed in the Service Request Console Work Order tab
Fixed an issue with Building console updates to Date UDA fields
Fixed loading documents in Asset Documents console
Fixed the display of End Dates in Space Version Report
Fixed the display of UDA values in Space console
Help - Include the SP1 Release Notes In Help Content
MAC - Fixed an error when pushing a Move Order to As Built
Delivery Date: 11/3/2017
Allow users to Search in Find Dropdown using Number Pad
Corrected behavior in Work Order Contacts Data Access Rules to allow the user to see only Work Order Vendors in a particular region
Corrected MAC dashboard to list all records after clicking refresh to account for records created in concurrent user sessions.
Fixed imports related to Single Asset Definition
Fixed issue with search results filters in Corporate Mapping UI
Fixed Move Order Push To As Built when space capacity is exceeded
Fixed Printing of Work Orders
Fixed Space Sharing Export to return sharing data
Delivery Date: 10/27/2017
Buildings dropdown in Mobile Work Order should only list As Built records.
Modified the drawing to show all HR UDA labels for each HR assigned to the space when labels are turned on.
Streamlined the amount of error messages being written to the log files related to User Logins.
Work Order search functionality now excludes the indirect structural units assignments (based on an admin setting)
Krystyna McQueeney