MAC: Fixed an issue where assigning a non HR move request item to a Move Order was throwing an error.
Delivery Date: 18th Nov 2021
Move(Manhattan Only) : Fixed an issue where deleting a move portfolio was throwing an error.
Move request item export(SQL only) : Fixed an issue where exporting a move request items having same HR assign to multiple location was throwing an error message.
Dashboard(SQL Only): Fixed an issue where in dashboard import of data was not working.
Floorplan: Fixed an issue when after making changes to checked out drawing was not reflecting the changes after checking in the same drawing.
Floor Plan: Fixed an issue where an extra vertex was getting added to polyline after check in/check out the floor.
Work Order: Fixed an issue where error was displayed on print of work order having multiple tasks.
Floorplan: Fixed an issue where included spaces part of zones are not displayed in zone spaces tab.
MAC: Fixed an issue when there were multiple closed status displayed in Move Request history after closing move request or move order.
Delivery Date: 26th Oct 2021
Move(Manhattan Only): Fixed an issue where pushing a phase to As built was throwing an error.
Space Versioning(Manhattan Only): Fixed an issue where space version classification report was missing.
Flex Capacity: Fixed an issue where Flex capacity value in report and custom search was different compare to console.
Delivery Date: 28th Sep 2021
Move Request: Fixed an issue where Move Request page was not loading if the description field was added in Custom Search filters.
MAC(Manhattan Only): Fixed an issue where pushing move order to as built was not working sometimes.
Delivery Date: 7th Sep 2021
Building: Fixed an issue when duplicating a building was throwing error sometime.
Dashboard: Fixed an issue where all the building records were not showing up in chart.
Delivery date: 19th Aug 2021
Site: Fixed an issue where we will get an error message on deleting a site which is attached to an email rule.
Email Rule(Oracle Only): Fixed an issue where email rule notification was showing same person multiple times.
Space survey: Fixed an issue where select business unit button in space attribute was not visible sometime.
Drawing Check-in: Fixed an issue where drawing checkin was throwing an error message.
Delivery date: 3rd Aug 2021
Move Order: Fixed an issue where Move Order UDA values were not displayed in custom search results.
Lease(CenterStone Only): Fixed an issue when lease payment import was throwing an error.
Save result to file: Added ‘businessUnit_ID_Parent’ column in save result to file records of business units.
Import: Fixed an issue where the error messages for offline import was not displaying correctly.
Workflow: Fixed an issue where the move workflow was not sending email notification when move manager is assigned.
Move: Fixed an issue with assets getting disappear from drawing on pushing to as built.
Save Results to File: Fixed an issue where an extra space was displayed in empty cells in save results file.
Delivery date: 7th July 2021
Custom Search: Fixed an issue where UDAs were missing from Custom Search field lists for entities that have a large number of User Defined Attributes.
Moves: Fixed an issue where assigned HR were missing from Space Consoles in the Move Plan.
DWG batch import: Fixed an issue where an error message was not displayed if the batch CAD import fails due to any reason.
Delivery date: 24th June 2021
HR Import(Manhattan Only): Fixed an issue to improve HR import performance overall.
Custom Search: Fixed an issue where custom search was not populating asset Parameters.
Delivery date: 8th June 2021
Space Planning: Fix an issue where space type value was not getting saved in space planning page.
Custom Search: Added a feature where custom search without filter and result criteria was not displayed in dropdown.
Move: Fixed an issue where email template for move was not displaying entire movelist.
Assets: Add status as a filter field and result columns in default physical asset search.
MAC: Fixed an issue where Move Requests and Move Orders number were not displaying beyond 99999.
Workflow: Fixed an issue where Move Request workflow was not sending email notifications.
Delivery date: 18th May 2021
Save Result to file: Fixed an issue when Save result to file was exporting duplicate columns.
Reports: Fixed an issue where error msg was displayed while executing reports having date filters.
Delivery date: 27th April 2021
MAC Dashboard: Fixed an issue when save search to MAC dashboard was not narrowing down result based on filter.
MAC: Fixed an issue where special character like % was throwing error in Multistring UDA field of Move item console.
Drawing Checkout: Fixed an issue where drawing checkout was throwing an error message.
Delivery date: 6th April 2021
Fixed an issue where error message was displayed upon deleting an address region
Light WO: Fixed an issue when an HR assigned to a building was not creating a light WO.
Flex Zone: Fixed an issue where an HR assigned to a building was throwing an error when assigned to a Flex Zone.
Fixed an issue with the application timeout.
Report: Fixed an issue in report header and footer formats.
Delivery date: 12th March 2021
Asset: Fixed an issue with Asset label text rendering.
Report: Fixed an issue where search via report name was throwing an error.
Save Results to File: Fixed an issue where Space ID and layoutplanID columns placement was inconsistent.
(Manhattan ORA only) Materialized Views Refresh: Fixed an issue when user was getting error when tying to do duplicate buildings, floor and update zones, spaces.
Delivery date: 24th Feb 2021
Moves: Fixed an issue where apply to as built for moves was throwing an error.
Check out: Fixed an issue with the drawing check out functionality.
Floor Plan: Added Arial Narrow as font option for labels on the floor plan.
Delivery date: 9th Feb 2021
Spaces: Fixed an issue with deleting floors that have duplicate spaces.
Floor Plan: Fixed an issue to improve drawing import performance.
Search Filter: Fixed an issue where the filter set of search filter was not working.
Reports: Added new fields in Space-Shared report classification.
Floor Plan: Fixed an issue where the spacing between legend item values was increased to show values properly.
Delivery date: 13th Jan 2021
Floor Plan: Fixed an issue to handle 0 SF Space/Zone/MA in the legend for Standard color and Custom color by.
Floor Plan: Fixed an issue where the optional field of legend properties was not updating based on layer state.
Report: Fixed an issue where the Move Order classification report was displaying blank value for some HR UDA.
Report: Fixed an issue where user was not able to add/modify chart to tabular/grouped/crosstab report types.
Batch Print: Fixed an issue where printing to pdf file size for floorplan drawing was large.
Save Results to File: Fixed an issue where Space ID and layoutplanID columns placement was inconsistent.
Floor plan: Fixed an issue where only the last letters were shown when dragging names on the drawing.
Lease: Fixed an issue where adding a structural unit to lease was throwing an error.
Spaces: Fixed an issue with deleting floors that have duplicate spaces.
Deepshikha Sharma
Next planned version to Production:
in PROD (Delivery date: 3rd Jan 2022)
Patch Notes 2020
Patch Notes 2019
Patch Notes 2018
Patch Notes 2017
HR Import(Manhattan Only): Fixed an issue to improve HR import performance overall.
Custom Search: Fixed an issue where custom search was not populating asset Parameters.
Space Planning: Fix an issue where space type value was not getting saved in space planning page.
Workflow: Fixed an issue where Move Request workflow was not sending email notifications.